Dee Filmore Classic Pool Tournament


Photo Courtesy of Kelsey Wheeler

On Saturday, June 8, many members of the community and travelers from all around Utah participated in the Dee Fillmore classic. The Round Robin bracket was a double elimination and was held at five different establishments throughout the day. This was the first year the fundraiser was held, to help Dee Fillmore, who has had some heath issues recently. There was a raffle which had a gun donated by Sportsman Fish and Wildlife. An Orka Cooler donated by Magnuson Lumber, as well as many other prized donated by Ace Hardware and members of the community.

Dee Fillmore was born in Lawrence, Utah and lived there until he finished high school. He moved to Salt Lake, where he met Vern Spreggs, who taught Fillmore about the game of billiards. Fillmore returned to his hometown in 1983 and started the Castle Country Budweiser League with Steve Johnson, Bill Davis and Dave Johnson. The league is still going strong today after 40 years. During those years, Fillmore has been a mentor to many players of the sport, taking them to the side and helping them improve their game.

The winner of the tournament went to Lance Durfy, claiming the first-place achievement. Buck Taylor placed second and Jimmy Paletta finished in third. The classic would end up earning $5,000 for Fillmore and they will continue to have the tournament for years to come.

“An excellent day! A huge thank you to an amazing group of people. Thank you to our family and our pool family. You all are truly the best of the best. Thank you, Kelsey, Jeremy, Buck, Lisa, Penny, Mickie, Tino, Judy and Ringo, just to mention a few. Also, all that donated in any way with time, food, words of encouragement, money, etc. Thank you to those who traveled from near and far. Dee says thank you all, we are truly blessed with the best!” Said wife of Dee, Renae Fillmore.

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