Driver Profile: Camden Wilson


Photo Courtesy of Camden Wilson Racing - 13c

Camden Wilson is 19 years old from Price. He drives the number 13c car in the IMCA SportMod classification. Wilson started driving at 16 years old, making this his third year driving in the sport.

“My grandpa is how I got into the sport. When I was little, I remember going out to the race track to watch my grandpa race. At first, I didn’t really understand what was going on, but I eventually loved to watch the races and started becoming a fan. As a little kid, it was always my dream to race. When I turned 16, my parents bought me a Northern SportMod, which I still drive today,” said Wilson.

When asked about his best memory racing throughout the years, Wilson replied, “My best memory throughout the years was last November at the Duel in the Desert in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was a surreal experience; we learned a lot racing with some of the top guys in the nation. Not to mention we came home with an 8th place finish in the big show after starting in the very back. Going into the weekend are goal was to be in the top 10 and we ended up achieving our goal.”

He then added, “The toughest track to race, in my opinion, is Diamond Mountain Speedway in Vernal Utah. The track is so technical and it slicks off fast. We have never had good luck there and it’s one of the places that I still need to check off my list.” Wilson also added that his greatest achievement racing thus far has been winning the 2023 IMCA Utah State Championship.

“Something I love about this sport is the people you meet along the way; especially the fans. Having people in the stands cheering you on while wearing your apparel is a surreal feeling,” he shared.

Wilson was then asked something interesting about himself, “I played baseball my whole life growing up and throughout that, my team ended up winning six straight state championships. We got to go play baseball in spectacular areas.” He then concluded answering what his message for younger drivers in the sport.

“Never give up. Racing is hard and you are going to lose a lot more then you will win, but don’t give up and just stick with it. Eventually it will start paying off,” Wilson shared.

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