Green River Comprehensive Management Plans Discussed During Open House


The Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands (FFSL) visited Green River recently to discuss the comprehensive management plans for the Green and Colorado rivers as well as the mineral leasing plan.

The FFSL has authority to manage sovereign lands, some of which include bed and banks of navigable rivers, using multiple use sustained-yield principles. Tony Mancuso, Sovereign Lands Coordinator, led the discussion with a group of people from the area.

The original plan dated back to 1988 with amendments made in 2003, 2004, 2007 and 2012. The original plan included expired leases and outdated maps. A new draft is being developed now because it is required by state statute. The plans will guide implementation of management objectives and provide consistent direction for land-use decisions and activities on sovereign lands of the Green and Colorado rivers.

The plans ensure that navigation, fish and wildlife habitats, aquatic beauty, public recreation and water quality will be given due to consideration and balanced with the benefits derived from other uses.

The final draft is scheduled to be released in December. More information can be found online by click here. 


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