June International Days Committee Meeting


The International Days Committee met once again as International Days gets a little closer. While a majority of the agenda items are on track, there were a couple of things that needed to be discussed and ironed out.

Registration for the Cornhole Tournament is still open and Carbon Recreation is urging teams to sign up for the fun. Teams wanting to register can do so on the Carbon Recreation Website.

Price City Police Sergeant T.J. Robertson discussed shutting traffic down on Carbon Ave at 100 South and to close other parts down at 8 a.m., because then they are having people trying to come through five minutes before the parade starts.

Megan Marshall discussed the need for a few volunteers to run the bounce houses. It was mentioned that the Carbon High School Girls’ Wrestling team would be more than happy to have a few girls volunteer.

Sergeant Robertson also discussed making sure that vendors know not to park around the park or at the church located adjacent from the park. It was discussed that the parking around the park is for International Days attendees only. Sergeant Robertson discussed that if there continues to be issues, that they may need to take more drastic measures and not allow vendors to come back to vend in the future.

With no other issues or concerns, the meeting was adjourned.

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