Pride Month Celebrated by Helper Saturday Vibes


The annual Pride event by Helper Saturday Vibes took place on June 22 along Helper’s historic Main Street, welcoming visitors, locals, vendors, musicians and more to enjoy the festivities.

“This all inclusive event is in conjunction with the internationally acknowledged Pride month which takes place across the globe in June,” Vibes shared. “We are creating a space for all diverse members of our community to feel welcome on Helper’s Historic Main Street.”

Pride Month is a month that is dedicated to the celebration and commemoration of those that identify under the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Records state that this month was inspired by the Stonewall riots, which were a series of gay liberation protests that occurred in 1969.

Along with informational resources available, the event featured everything that Vibe attendees have come to except and enjoy. Two bands were featured on stage, beginning with Welfare Check, who credits themselves as a multi-faceted, multi-generational and multi-talented group. They were followed by Super Bent, who performed classic tunes from the 1950s to present time.

With featured drinks, children’s activities, bounce houses and more, Helper Saturday Vibes was a success once again. Don’t miss the next event, which is slated for July 13.


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