911 Pawn Welcomes Many to Grand Re-Opening


On Friday afternoon, a ribbon cutting for a grand re-opening was hosted by the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce for 911 Pawn.

Zach Palacios of 911 Pawn spoke during the event, stating that they are the traditional pawn shop that is untraditional. They feature brand new furniture, household items, knick knacks and all the gun and ammo that a person could want. He also stated that if they don’t have an item, to let them know and they will try to get it.

Palacios then expressed that one of the things that those at the pawn shop pride themselves in is beating the big box stores for their prices.

“We’re going to do everything we can to beat the price over the mountain,” said Palacios.

He then stated that, if given a chance, all should visit 911 Pawn and see what they have to offer. Those that were in attendance at the ribbon cutting or visited that day were also given the opportunity to enter to win a gun.

911 Pawn is located at 78 North Carbon Avenue in Price and can be reached at (435) 613-7296.

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