Four Corners Community Behavioral Health Discusses Responsibilities at Emery County Commission Meeting


On Tuesday afternoon, Karen Dolan, CEO of Four Corners Community Behavioral Health, Inc. (FCCBH), Finance Director Jeanie Wilson and Castle Dale Clinic Director Jennifer Thomas explained to the Emery County Commissioners the responsibilities of FCCBH for community mental health and substance use disorder needs

FCCBH provides comprehensive mental health services for adults, youth and children and substance use services. The team at FCCBH is proactive in finding and developing funding for citizens who have no insurance or other payment source.

The programs at FCCBH are designed to address an individual’s unique needs for treatment to put them on the road to a personalized recovery. Some of the services provided are out-patient and intensive out-patient services.

They are active in the “Housing First Effort” and have housing in Carbon and Grand counties for the chronically homeless.

The mission of Four Corners Community Behavioral Health is to offer highly responsive and effective mental health and substance abuse services to the residents and communities of Carbon, Emery and Grand counties.

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