Hatch Receives Friend of Freedom Award from the Faith and Freedom Coalition


U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has been honored with the Friend of Freedom Award by the Faith and Freedom Coalition for his conservative, pro-growth voting record in the 112thCongress. The Faith and Freedom Coalition is led by Ralph Reed and is dedicated to upholding the values of faith, family, and personal responsibility, and enacting policies focused on limited government and fiscal responsibility. Hatch was one of only 13 Senators who received a perfect 100 percent score from the Coalition’s ranking on key issues.

“As someone who has always fought for limited government and conservative values, I’m honored to receive this award from this committed organization,” Hatch said. “We’ve seen an unprecedented growth of government over the last three and a half years. Congress need to do everything we can to rein in government and stop the largest tax hike in our country’s history scheduled to hit nearly every American at the end of this year. I appreciate everything the Faith and Freedom coalition and other similar organizations are doing to join that fight.”

The Coalition’s rankings are based on 11 key votes on legislation focused on preserving religious freedom, cutting spending and strengthening the economy. For more information on the Faith and Freedom Coalition click HERE, and to see the 2012 congressional scorecard, click HERE.

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