Elected Officials Take Oath to Serve Carbon and Emery Counties



Hopes take oath and joins Carbon County Commission

-Terry Willis


Carbon County’s newest member of the county commission, Casey Hopes was sworn in on Monday, January 7 at noon in the Carbon County Commission Chambers by Judge Elaine Storrs. В  Hopes is the second republican to take a seat on the three person panel. Jae Potter broke the democratic strangle hold in the last election. Hopes replaces long time commissioner Mike Milovic who chose not to run for re-election this term.

When asked what he saw as the biggest challenge ahead, Hopes answered, “Making sure the county is in good shape for our kids. That includes financial, roads and everything else is set up for the future.”

He also said that even though the decision to allow the Gooseberry Dam gone against Carbon County, it remains for Sanpete to come up with the funding for it and that is a big hurdle since they will need a lot. But he was not prepared yet to say if Carbon County has anymore moves left to fight it because he needs to spend time pouring over the documents and being brought up to speed.



Migliori takes oath and joins Emery County Commission

-Brittany McCourt


On Monday, the Emery County Commission welcomed their new member, Ethan Migliori. Ethan was sworn in so he can begin the new year as an elected member of the board.

“I’m excited to start this new challenge,”Migliori stated after he was sworn in.

Jeff Horrocks, chairman, also mentioned a few words stating “it’s rarely ever easy, but it’s always rewarding and we’re excited to have him with us.”


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