Jewelianna Nielsen to compete in National Sun Wise Foundation Poster Contest


Jewelianna Nielsen needs the community’s help, and helping her couldn’t be easier.

The National Sun Wise Foundation Poster Contest is sponsored by the Huntsman Cancer Institute and holds enormous prize potential for Jewelianna and the community.

Jewelianna, a 12-year-old sixth grader from Creekview Elementary, was informed about the National Sun Wise Foundation Poster Contest by her teacher a little over a month ago. After hearing about the competition and its requirements, she was immediately interested. The purpose of the contest was for students to create a poster that would promote being safe in the sun. The basic requirement of the poster was to include five sun safety tips.

Jewelianna, along with many other Creekview students, decided to compete. When asked why she wanted to complete, she said that she wanted to win the iPad Mini that first place state winners are awarded. However, it was not just about the prize. Jewelianna said that her favorite part of the competition was “getting to see all the posters.”

After hours of organizing, cutting, pasting, and coloring, Jewelianna finished her poster and entered the competition. At the state competition, three Creekview students placed in the top 20 of 500 entries. Jewelianna placed first overall in the 4th-8th grade category, moving her into the final state competition. There, two contestants from 4th-8th grades, two from kindergarten-3rd, and one honorable mention student competed. Jewelianna again took first place, moving her into the national competition.

Jewelianna and Creekview Elementary would appreciate the community’s assistance in helping her win the National Sun Wise Foundation Poster Contest. If Jewelianna wins at the national level, $12,000 in equipment will be given to Creekview Elementary, and would include a Walt Disney World vacation for her family.

When asked about the trip to Disney World, Jewelianna was very excited for the chance to go. She said she has not been since she was three months old and wants to go now that she would remember the experience.

The voting is open to anyone and is unlimited. Votes may be cast online until May 7 and theВ  national winner will be announced on May 10. Instructions for voting may be found below, or at, and

Voting Instructions:

1 – Go to
2 – Click “Vote for the National Winner” (on the right side of the screen below the yellow box, that links to
3 – Enter Unlock Code: shade & School Code: vote13
4 – Click “Unlock Ballot” or press enter.
5 – Click correct grade level if < 18 and click “Confirm Unlock.” (If >18,just click “Confirm Unlock.”)
6 – Click correct “Voter’s Age” bubble.
7 – Scroll down to find the Utah picture and click “Utah” bubble for Jewelianna’s poster.
8 – Click blue “Confirm” bubble at the bottom of that screen.
9 – Make sure your vote information is correct. Click the blue “Vote” bubble (at the bottom of the next screen).
10 – Then the “Your vote has been cast!” screen will appear with the American flag.
11 – You can vote as many times as each computer you use allows.

Cross your fingers and send in your votes for Jewelianna and Creekview Elementary.

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