Advancing the Common Good with United Way of Eastern Utah


United Way of Eastern Utah (UWEU) believes that by working together as a community in three specific areas, it can create a lasting change and prevent problems from happening.

Its three areas of focus are education, income and health. It believes in preparing children to succeed in school and beyond, building financially stable families and creating a healthy community.

United Way of Eastern Utah would like to inform the community of various programs that it is able to facilitate through generous sponsors and community members.

The Souls 2 Soles shoe program to date has given over 500 students in Carbon and Emery counties new shoes. All of the students receiving shoes are referred to UWEU by either a teacher, secretary or administrator of any of the schools in the county and are then supplied with the needed shoes.

UWEU’s LIVE.LOVE.LOCAL Cancer Assistance Program has helped over 50 individuals in the past year with either gas cards, hotel stays, or funds for food while receiving treatment out of the area. It recently helped form a Castle Country Cancer Coalition that brings together all of the available resources for those affected with this disease in one location. The cancer coalition meets quarterly to make sure each entity has all of the available information to pass on.

UWEU continues to fund its Youth Scholarship Program. There are six $500 scholarships available each year for eligible seniors in Carbon and Emery counties. Eligibility is determined by the number of volunteer hours the student has put in throughout the year and must include volunteering at UWEU’s Day of Caring.

UWEU continues to hold the database for the Angel Tree Program. It processes and qualifies all applicants so that Angel Tree sponsors know that those they are adopting are deserving.  

“Now that every agency in the area goes through us for angels, we believe we have pretty much eliminated the duplicate recipients of the past,” said United Way of Eastern Utah Director Carole Wright.

In 2015 over 600 children received gifts, who, without the program, would not have had Christmas.

“Although United Way of Eastern Utah manages the database, it is our generous community members who are the true heros here, as they give of their time and money to help these children,” Wright continued. 

UWEU‘s Day of Caring  2015 was very successful as it had over 884 volunteers throughout the week who completed 64 service projects. 

One-hundred percent of the Annual United Way of Eastern Utah Golf Tournament proceeds are used to fund each of the aforementioned projects. 

2016 saw United Way of Eastern Utah host a series of “All You Can Eat Luncheons” at the Catholic Hope Center. Again, 100% of the proceeds from the funds raised at these lunches go to fund United Way of Eastern Utah’s many programs.

UWEU would like to especially thank its Cornerstone Partners. Its success is dependent on the generosity of these partners and the people of the community. 

To submit suggestions to United Way of Eastern Utah or for more information, please call (435) 637-8911.


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