New EMS Agreement Explained to Castle Dale City Council


By Julie Johansen

Emery County Attorney Michael Olsen explained and discussed the new Emergency Management System to the members of Castle Dale City Council on Thursday.

Federal insurance regulations and the need for revamping the county EMT system prompted Emery County to develop a cooperative agreement to create a new entity to manage Emergency Medical Services.

This draft agreement outlined the procedure of creating the new agency, which will be governed by 11 individuals, including two county representatives, one being a commissioner and the other at large, as well as one representative from each of the nine cities in Emery County. This agency would essentially be self-sufficient. However, if shortfall occurred, it would be the county’s responsibility to make up the difference. Each city would house its own ambulance. There would be a garage lead person but all management decisions and financial responsibilities would be handled by the EMS.

This is only in the planning stages but has been approved by the Emery County Commissioners. This agreement will be presented to each city council and come before all mayors for signing at the county COG meeting to be held August 23.

Some suggestions from the council included choosing the at large county representative from individuals living in the county but not the cities, as well as combining cities in close proximity together as one. Two questions were asked as to whether or not a city needs to write up a resolution and what if some cities chose not to sign this agreement. Attorney Olsen said these concerns would be considered.

Also at the meeting, Mayor Danny Van Wagoner reported on the status of the Castle Dale Commission Building. The project is nine days behind schedule but the contractor feels that it will be caught up shortly. Financially, everything is going according to the bids and is on track. He also reported that the lease with the LDS Church for the park on 100 East has been reinstated and the city will once again maintain the park. Work leveling the headstones at the cemetery is continuing and should pick up immediately.

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