Community Gets Closer to Resolution for Hilltop Road Improvements


Nearly a year ago, Carbon County Commissioners were first approached with the request to approve improvements that would be made to Hilltop Road. At that time, the main concerns by the commissioners and public regarded safety and protocol.

The commissioners had, at that time, requested that those residents wanting the improvements get in contact with representatives of PRWID for waterline safety. They also asked that documents be fully looked over, receive an estimate and wished to ensure that the road improvements were wanted by the locals.

On Monday afternoon, Neil Breinholt and Gina Gagon stood in front of the commissioners saying that they had worked hard on the matters at hand. A fair compromise has been made with PRWID for the asphalt to slightly extend over a waterline as to not make the curb as sharp.

A number of criteria also must be met, such as the drainage must be able to withhold a 25-year, one-hour rainfall. Another issue still was to validate subgrade structure. There have also been questions as to whether the existing road was adequate to meet county standards. A request was also made to obtain an estimate by an engineer, which was provided by Johansen & Tuttle Engineering.

An estimation was made in the beginning of $466,647 to complete the project. However, additional excavation must be made to the new road that would add up to $92,00 as well as additional engineering, which is nearly $40,000. With those additions, the total sum would be $597,756.

Study must still be completed before any action is taken. At this time, a hearing is scheduled for the commission meeting that will take place on Jan. 4. This hearing will either close the public hearing portion and take final comments or will re-advertise with new amounts.

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