Price City Woman Found in Possession of Heroin and Meth, Arrested with Intent to Distribute


Price City Police Department Press Release

On Thursday just before midnight, Sgt. Stephen Regruto came into contact with Nichole M. Davis, DOB 10/9/92 of Price, near 200 S 200 W. Davis had a misdemeanor warrant out of 7th District Court. Incident to her arrest, it was allegedly discovered that Davis possessed drug paraphernalia, a little over 5 ½ grams of heroin, a little over 7 ½ grams of methamphetamine and packaging materials typically associated with drug distribution.

Davis was booked into the Carbon County Jail on her warrant (for Possession of Paraphernalia), a new charge of Possession of Paraphernalia, and Possession With Intent to Distribute Heroin and Methamphetamine (2nd degree felonies). The Carbon County Attorney will screen the report to determine appropriate formal charges.

Davis has three previous arrests on her record. She is currently on a plea in abeyance agreement with the 7th District Court, which she entered into on 10/17/16.