Preparing for a Nursing Home: Medicaid, Medical Qualifications


By Emery County Care and Rehabilitation Center

When looking to admit a loved one to a skilled nursing facility for long-term care, Medicaid can be a huge help for those that qualify. To qualify for nursing home Medicaid, the application must meet certain requirements. There is a financial requirement and a medical requirement. Under the medical requirement, each applicant must meet two of three sub-requirements. These three sub-requirements include these: Cognitive, ADL and Medical.

Under the cognitive requirement, the applicant must have a diagnosis showing a decline in cognitive functions such as Alzheimer’s Disease. Under the ADL (activities of daily living) requirement, the applicant must show that they need help doing daily routine things such as bathing, dressing, etc. Under the medical requirement, the applicant must show that they need help with managing a medical condition, such as diabetes.

To qualify outside of the financial requirements, they must show they need help with at least two of these.

Watch for more tips on planning for long-term care from Emery County Care and Rehabilitation Center. Or, for immediate information, please call us at (435) 384-2301.

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