ECCRC Peach Days Bazaar Wants Your Crafts and Baked Goods


Information Submitted

Emery County Care and Rehabilitation Center will be sponsoring their annual “Peach Days Bazaar and Raffle” after the Parade. We are asking the community for donations of homemade crafts, baked goods, or other items, to help with our Bazaar. The money is used totally for the Resident’s Activities. A Sloppy Joe lunch, drink and dessert, are being offered for $6.00 per person at the Care Center.

Raffle Tickets are on sale at the Care Center and at our Peach Days Booth, in Ferron. You DO NOT need to be present to win! Raffle Ticket prices: 1 Ticket-$1.00, 6 Tickets-$5.00, 12 Tickets $10. For a list of Raffle items, Raffle Tickets, or more information call Donna, at 435-384-2301.

ECCRC Peach Days Bazaar

September 9th, 2017

10 am – 2:00 pm (After the Parade)

455 W. Mill Road

Ferron, UT

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