Drought Emergency Classification Moves From D2 to D3: Extreme Drought


A drought emergency was declared by the Carbon County Commissioners in April. During Wednesday evening’s regularly scheduled meeting, the classification of the drought emergency, previously a D2, worsened to a D3: extreme drought. This change was effective as of July 10.

The previously passed resolution was good for a 90-day period. This change in classification will extend for a period of six months or in such time that the drought intensifies in the county areas. This declaration opens funding avenues for support from the federal government for farmers, ranchers and the like that depend on the water for livestock and more.

A public hearing was also hosted during the commission meeting for the pre-disaster mitigation plan. Carbon County Emergency Operations Director Justin Needles discussed this with the commissioners, stating that every three years a grant is received to update the plan. The plan gives an outlook of some disasters that may occur within Carbon County.

The grant also opens up funding opportunities in order for the funding that comes out every year to be geared toward the projects in the area’s plan. The plan addresses wildfire, drought, flooding and other natural disasters that can happen inside the county.

This plan is posted on the Carbon County website under “Emergency Management.” Needles then thanked everyone that participated; every city in Carbon County as well as individual business members and members of the public made comments on the plan. This was approved by the commissioners.

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