Carbon County Commissioners Receive 2017 Financial Audit


Doug Rasmussen with Smuin, Rich and Marsing attended Wednesday’s Carbon County Commission meeting in order to present the commissioners with the 2017 county financial audit. While the audit was not presented in depth during the meeting, a few key points were touched upon by Rasmussen.

In the municipal services fund, $544,612 more was spent in that fund than revenues brought in for the past year, decreasing the fund balance in that account as well as others. The building authority, however, had a positive: more revenue was brought in than expenses.

For the overall government activities, the county overspent $2,684,710. It was anticipated beforehand that there was going to be some expenditures more than the revenue brought in. Some of the projections that the county expected to receive had, in reality, became less than expected.

“Definitely a significant decrease this past year,” Rasmussen stated.

Copies of the audit are available for those that wish to receive one. Rasmussen concluded the audit by stating that Smuin, Rich and Marsing looked forward to working closely with the commissioners within the next few months to assist in budgetary matters.

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