Local Paramedic and Training Officer Named Paramedic of the Year


Marty Wilson has worked in emergency services since 1980. At the start of her career, she first became an EMT for Emery County.

From there, Wilson began work for Carbon County in 1989 as a part-time employee. She worked part-time until 2000 when she was given a full-time position. Progressing through her career allowed Wilson to gain a deep appreciation and passion for her job, as well as instructing.

Currently, Wilson is a paramedic and training officer for Carbon County. She obtained her training through the paramedic program at Weber State in 2008 while still working full-time. She was known as one of the top students in the classes as well as in her graduating class as a whole.

Wilson has been certified as an instructor in many aspects of her position, such as ACLS, PEPP, CPR and many others over the years. Wilson is known as being an extremely caring and thorough instructor, staying hours after classes to study with those that are struggling or need one-on-one assistance to learn the needed skills for such an important job.

However, Wilson did not stop there. She is also a member of the DMAT Team, which is known as a great honor and accomplishment. She has been deployed a number of times over the past several of years, doing her job to the best of her abilities. Recently, fellow emergency service workers Beckie Pierce, Jennifer Maxfield, Kami Olsen and Tom King submitted a nomination for Wilson, aptly believing that she deserves the title of Paramedic of the Year by the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness (BEMSP).

This happened for Wilson. Her impressive repertoire proved to stand out to those that considered the nominations and agreed with the individuals that nominated her.

A ceremony was hosted on July 10 at the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium located in Draper. There, Wilson was welcomed to the front of the room where she was honored by the many in attendance and presented with a special plaque that will forever commemorate the accomplishment.

“The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness would like to say a heartfelt thank you and let all EMS providers know that you do matter and are much appreciated,” the BEMSP shared.

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