Notice is hereby given that a petition for annexation has been filed with Castle Dale City for the purpose of annexing a parcel of land belonging to Lacy and Ben Hardman hereinafter described as follows:


Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 18 South, Range 8 East, SLB&M, said point being on the existing Castle Dale City Boundary; thence East 668.10 feet to the East Quarter Corner of said Section 34; thence Northeasterly; 390.32 feet; thence Northeasterly 346.31 feet; thence West 945.12; thence South 678.4 feet to the point beginning.

Containing 12.84 acres more or less.

The hearing will be held during the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting Sept. 12, 2019 at 20 S 100 E Castle Dale. 7:00 pm.

Lael White
City Recorder

Published in the ETV Newspaper August 28, 2019.

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