Carbon School District Superintendent Lance Hatch recently gave a brief update on the school bond that was approved in 2019 for updates and improvements to both Helper Middle School (HMS) and Carbon High School (CHS).
Both projects are currently in the design phase. District and school administration are working with architects in order to finalize the designs in order for invitations for bids to be sent out. Following that, work will begin as soon as possible.
For HMS, engineers are working on finalizing plans for the structural supports on the building, which is listed as the highest priority. Work is also being completed to finalize the plans for the heating and cooling system. Supt. Hatch stated that they anticipate construction at HMS to being as soon as school is out for the summer break.
In the meantime, at CHS, the first phase of the project will be to move the bus garage. The current bus garage will be demolished with the site to be used as the staging area for all of the construction that will take place at the school.
“It is anticipated that sometime in April invitations for bids will go out for the new bus garage, which will be built on the property east of the district office building,” stated Supt. Hatch.
The invitation for bids regarding the foundation and steel packages for the new addition at the high school are planned to be released by May. It is expected that the construction on the addition will also begin as soon as school is out for the summer season.