Emery County Commissioners Address Agreements and Contracts


By Julie Johansen

The Emery County Justice Court gave the safety minute presentation at the Emery County Commission meeting on Tuesday. The title of the presentation was “Head-Up, Eyes-Up” and encouraged county employees to take in their surroundings everywhere they go. All were urged to be ready if something happens and know how to evacuate.

Following the safety presentation, drawings were conducted for the safety incentive gift cards to reward county employees that actively practice safety in the workplace. The part-time employee to receive a gift card was Emmalyn Oliverson and the full-time employee was Brenda Lemon. The two safety sensitive employees awarded were Terry Seager and Clive Gordon.

The commissioners then ratified a number of contracts that had previously been signed. One contract was with the Bureau of Land Management for law enforcement services and the other was with the Aging Administration Program to increase nutrition and support services during the current pandemic. A letter of support was then approved for a COVID-19 EDA grant application with the Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments to be dispersed to local businesses. A yearly property tax exemption for religious and charitable properties was also approved.

Next, a contract between the State of Utah Administrative Office of the Courts and the Emery County Sheriff’s Office for bailiff and perimeter security for the Seventh District Court and Juvenile Courts was also approved by the commission. Then receiving approval was an agreement with the Utah Department of Corrections Intergovernmental County Jail to provide for the incarceration of offenders specified by and under the jurisdiction of the Utah Department of Corrections at the Emery County Jail. This agreement will cover 10 inmates at the present time with hopes of increasing numbers in the future.

A change order for the increased amount of $21,000 was approved for the Millsite Dam rehabilitation project and a noxious weed control grant from previous year was renewed and approved. The CARES Act Fund, which extends the IMLS grant for the Emery County Library, was approved.

Swell Trails Grants were awarded to Orangeville City in the amount of $12,500 for their walking trail along the river and Green River City for the same amount to be used on a large piece of property behind the city’s museum for river restoration. Huntington City also received funding for a two block extension from their present trail head to the rodeo grounds. The Backcountry Horsemen were awarded a grant in the amount of $3,750 for work on their trail.

In the elected officials reports, Emery County Sheriff Greg Funk expressed his appreciation for everyone involved in the horrific accident at Little Wildhorse Canyon last week. The county commissioners and Emery County Attorney Mike Olsen echoed his remarks.

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