Price City Council Stays Connected


Another virtual Price City Council meeting took place on Wednesday evening. With the health department restrictions still in place, all council members were included in meeting via a group phone call. Those physically present were Price Mayor Mike Kourianous, City Manager Nick Tatton and Recorder Sherrie Gordon. Council members Rick Davis, Amy Knott-Jespersen, Layne Miller and Terry Willis were also in attendance along with and Price Police Chief Brandon Sicilia and Miles Nelson of the public works department.

The first item on the agenda was the safety seconds presented by councilwoman Knott-Jespersen. She mentioned how the weather for the upcoming weekend is supposed to be very hot. “Spend time outside, but remember to drink lots of water, wear a hat and sunscreen. Stay safe,” said Knott-Jespersen.

There were a few minutes taken for Tatton to read a letter for the public comment portion of the meeting. The letter was directed to the council and relayed concerns the writer had about a local cemetery. They stated that the grounds didn’t appear as well groomed as expected. The Mayor thanked the writer for the letter, stating that their concerns wouldn’t be ignored.

The next item on the agenda, the watershed plan and environmental impact statement agreement, was motioned to be stricken from the agenda. Nelson and council member Davis spoke prior to the meeting and decided to strike the item. The reasoning behind it is because more information needs to be found about the agreement. They’re also waiting for “funding security,” said Nelson. The council will add the agenda item at a later date with more information to present to the council and community.

The last agenda item brought to attention was updating and amending Price Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. Tatton briefly summarized that changes need to be made every year and that everything that needed updating had been completed. Mayor Kourianos commended Tatton for his work before adjourning the meeting and thanking everyone for listening.

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