Local Accountant Recognized Nationally


Press Release

Local Jake Mellor was recently recognized by a national accounting association. AccountingTax.com is a national organization that focuses on coaching and mentoring tax and accounting firms across the country.

AccountingTax.com has impacted over 8,000 tax and accounting firms across the country providing services to improve their operations and revenues, and to implement moral and ethical best practices. The top tier of these 8,000 firms belong to an elite group within the AccountingTax.com organization with membership dues surpassing $35,000, depending on the firm size and other factors. Mellor has been a past member of this organization and was recently quoted in some of AccountingTax.com’s publications.

Most recently, Mellor was asked to present to the 7 Figure Firms Virtual Conference that was reserved for only the top 300 or so firm members. Mellor presented during Day 2 of the virtual event. His presentation was so popular that the organization asked him to be available during Day 3 for the final Panel Discussion with only select presenters from the three day conference.

The culmination of this experience is that Mellor is now one of seven coaches that present weekly to the 7 Figures Firm elite Tax Accountants group within the AccountingTax.com national organization and has been instrumental in helping other tax accountants provide elite tax advantaged wealth management strategies to their clients across the country and in more than 25 states.

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