Emery County Travel Bureau Press Release
Join us to learn more and share your thoughts on how Emery County can develop as a traveler destination in the future. This hour-long meeting will provide background on the County’s Destination Development Plan and provide time for you to share your insights.
Emery County, in partnership with the Utah Office of Tourism and Coraggio Group, Portland-based consulting firm, are working on a Destination Development Plan that will craft local, authentic, and desirable tourism management strategies. The goal is to make tourism a vibrant, healthy, and manageable component of the local economy, and to ensure that tourism has a positive impact on the economy, provides quality of life for residents, and provides quality of experience for the traveler. Your input into the effort will ensure that this plan is the community’s plan and something everyone can see themselves in.
Topic: Emery County Destination Development Plan Meeting
Time: Aug 7, 2020 5 p.m. Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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