Price Youth City Council Members Take Oath


The Price City Council’s Wednesday evening meeting began with the traditional safety seconds as councilwoman Amy Knott-Jespersen presented precautions to take during this time. She briefly spoke on the fact that schools, churches and other gathering places are opening their doors to more people than before.

“If you are sick at all, stay home from those gatherings,” said Knott-Jespersen, advising citizens to be cautious in response to the COVIFD-19 pandemic.

The meeting also featured a public comment as a Price City citizen came before the council to express his confusion for some of the construction occurring in the area. He also inquired about construction that is not happening in the area, wondering why some streets are not receiving attention at this time.

The council thanked him for what he brought to their attention and said they would speak with him following the meeting. More information on the Price City streets department can be obtained here. 

The final agenda item moved the meeting into the auditorium as the new Price City Youth Council members were sworn into their positions. There are 15 new faces on the youth council and they were presented with the oath of office by Judge John Carpenter.

The new council members include Ryan Brady, Haze Newman, Graydee Noyes, Eli Snow, Avery Gunter, Dylan Stead, Jared Saccomano, Chloe Monson, Pierce Bryner, Blake Grundy, Hunter Heath, Katie Jones, Landen Anderson, Lanie Anderson and Landrie Anderson.

The meeting closed with a round of applause for the new youth council members.

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