Huntington City Receives UDOT Award For Safe Routes to School


By Julie Johansen

During Huntington City’s December city council meeting on Wednesday, it was announced that the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is awarding $97,000 to the city for their designs for Safe Routes to School. These funds will used for sidewalks in the middle school area from 200 West to 400 West and Fifth North.

Other items from the agenda included adoption of an ordinance for fireworks, which closely follows the state requirements. Huntington City’s 2021 meeting schedule was then adopted.

Also during the meeting, the code enforcement officer announced that he will be issuing citations for unlicensed vehicles left parked on the city streets.

To conclude, accolades and appreciation for the city’s drive-thru Christmas party were expressed from and to the council. The celebration was held at the fire station at the beginning of the month.

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