Bradon Bradford Named Tourism Super Service Award Recipient


Carbon County Tourism Specialist Tina Henrie joined the commissioners on Wednesday evening for the final meeting of 2020 to announce December’s Tourism Super Service Award recipient.

Henrie stated that they had some great nominations for the month while the one chosen has gone above and beyond despite receiving many threats with his job. He has faced many phone calls and presentations this year and has worked in a hard position.

“He has done a wonderful job for our community,” stated Henrie.

The award recipient was then named as Bradon Bradford with the Southeast Utah Health Department (SEUHD). Bradford expressed his love for being in the area, stating that it has been an adventure.

“I am honored to serve in Carbon, Emery and Grand counties,” he said.

Bradford then stated that the award was accepted on behalf of the employees of the health department, who have rendered great services as a team and unit. He remarked that he sees them as the best of what public service servants have to offer.

Commissioner Larry Jensen then took time to explain that every two days, a report is released on the number of COVID-19 cases, remarking that in the last few days, numbers have trended down. He thanked Bradford and the community for their efforts in that regard.

Commissioner Tony Martines said throughout the year with the twists and turns, he appreciated Bradford and the department for their guidance, with Commission Chair Casey Hopes echoing that it has been nice to have the SEUHD as a resource.

Along with the award, Bradford was given a $50 certificate to spend within the community.

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