Helper Residents Called to Participate in the Utah Wellbeing Survey


It was announced last week that Helper City is partnering with Utah State University Extension’s Wellbeing Project.

This project is questioning “How is Life in Helper?” and citizens are able to participate by taking the Utah Wellbeing Survey, which is a statewide initiative. Those that wish to take the survey must be 18 years of age or older and the survey takes approximately 10 minutes.

“The goal of this survey is to better understand the life conditions of people in Utah cities and towns and how different aspects of wellbeing vary from person to person and place to place,” the survey shares. “Results will be shared with your city’s leaders to help with general city planning and decisions.”

It was stated that the survey is available in English or Spanish and works best on a computer or tablet, but will also work on smartphones. No identifying information will be collected from those who participate in the survey.

Those that reside in Helper and wish to access the survey may do so by clicking here. Individuals that have questions about the survey or are interested in more information may contact Dr. Courtney Flint via email at

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