USU Extension Press Release
Create Better Health (Snap-Ed) is a program sponsored by Utah State University Extension for low-income families to help improve their nutrition by providing classes and other nutrition information online and in person when conditions improve. There is a Facebook Live presentation each Friday at 2 p.m. for those interested.
The first recipient was Linda Nelson, the cafeteria manager at Cleveland Elementary School. Nelson partnered with Create Better Health to provide summer lunches last year for all youth under 18. She provides a personal interest in the youth who eat in her cafeteria and makes sure that the meals are tasty as well as nutritious.
Nelson has helped with the Apple Crunch program by providing posters and contests, and she even had a nutrition hopscotch in the cafeteria for kids to use during bad weather. She is well respected and helpful to all her students, ensuring that the needs of each child is met. Thank you, Linda, for your help by providing healthy meals and activities of Cleveland Elementary youth.
The second recipient of the Outstanding Community Partner award was Mark Justice. Justice has been a partner in helping increasing the healthy nutrition of Huntington residents by providing vegetables to community members. He does this without fanfare or cost to those who need it.
Justice is a prolific gardener and is always willing to share. If he cannot get rid of everything, he donates it to the Emery County Food Bank in Castle Dale. We thank him for his extensive time and efforts in sharing the produce during this difficult and uncertain time. Many have been recipients of his generosity.
If you need more information regarding this program, please contact Christine Jensen via email at