For some time now, the International Days committee has been discussing the possibility of moving the future dates of the annual celebration.
This is due to the carnival that the committee prefers to book having prior engagements on the same weekend of International Days each year. Moving the dates would allow for the city to book the carnival to provide even more fun for all.
Price City Councilman Layne Miller stated that he spoke with Carbon County Commissioner Casey Hopes to ensure that moving the dates would not conflict with the county fair in the future. Commissioner Hopes stated that there are not any concrete plans at this time and they are willing to work around the decision that is made for International Days.
At the final meeting before this year’s celebration, the committee voted on the change. It was stated that this change would remain in effect for two years and then the committee would reevaluate the decision. Next year, the celebration will be Aug. 4, 5 and 6 while the dates will be Aug. 3, 4 and 5 in 2023.
A contract has not yet been signed with the carnival but it was explained that they have stated that they would be available on these dates. There was an unanimous vote to suggest this change and Councilman Miller remarked that it will be placed on the Price City Council agenda for formal approval.