Cottonwood Elementary Treated to New Books


By Julie Johansen

The shelves at the Cottonwood Elementary library are the home for many new books as the result of a Utah State Library grant and the Scholastic Book Club program.

Earlier this school year, Mrs. Taney’s fifth grade class entered a Scholastic Book Club program to select a Super Reader. This class was selected as a winner and the students chose the school library to receive the prize of 1,000 books. On Tuesday, the books arrived at Cottonwood Elementary.

Librarian Mrs. Carroll also added more books to the shelves after being awarded a grant from the Utah State Library in the amount of $3,000, which will add an additional 167 books. This grant was the 2022 Children and Teen Book Enhancement Mini Grant.

The purpose of this grant is to purchase high-quality, well-reviewed books to enhance students’ access to well-developed and updated book collections. These books have been ordered and are on their way to the library shelves at Cottonwood Elementary.

The administration at Cottonwood Elementary is very appreciative of the teachers for these accomplishments. School staff also extended gratitude to the Utah State Library for funding the grant as well as the Scholastic Book Club and its Super Reader Program.

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