Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters on October 18, 2022. If you do not receive your by mail ballot please contact the Clerk/Auditor’s office at (435) 381-3550. If you choose to vote in person you may come in beginning October 25, 2022 weekdays through November 4, 2022. The office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and on election day from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Please bring your photo id and the mail in ballot you received (to save you time). If you do not have the mail in ballot that was sent we will void and reissue you a new ballot.

The voter registration deadline is October 28, 2022. If you find you have not registered to vote by that date your are still eligible to vote a provisional ballot on election day. Please bring your photo id and a secondary id which shows your physical address.

Voters with a Disability:
An individual with a disability, or is blind, unable to read or write or is physically unable to vote a mailed ballot, may be given assistance by an individual of the voter’s choice.

If you cannot read or mark a mailed ballot, we can provide assistance or the use of a voting machine (or substitute “ballot marking device”) with accessible features (e.g. audio ballot, touch screen, large print, high contrast). Please contact (435) 381-3550 to make arrangements for assistance.

Published in ETV Newspaper October 19, 2022.

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