Coordinating Volunteerism Throughout Emery County


By Kristi Maxwell

Gerry Stotler from the Emery County Volunteer Center met with Emery County Commission on Tuesday to request a donation for the entity and its projects.

The funds that the center received last year went to the Relay for Life and the Community Angel Tree. The volunteer center adopted 28 angels from the United Way. With a donation from the Emery County Commissioners and a special donation from a Castle Dale citizen, volunteers were able to help with a portion of the angel tree. Funding was also used to find Relay for Life volunteers.

In December 2014, the volunteer center will be partnering with the United Way and several other groups to bring awareness to the Carbon/Emery Tree Festival. All funds raised will be donated to groups such as United Way and Habitat for Humanity. Information will be publicized in the future and will also be available on the center’s website.

The Emery County Volunteer Center is looking for volunteers, 55 and older or those with a low income that would like to work in Emery County elementary schools for a low stipend amount. They are also seeking volunteers to assist with the Emery County Fair and Peach Days.

For more information, call Gerry Stotler at (435) 749-2717 or log on to