The City of Green River is soliciting for qualifications from firms to help the city with an airport gate and fencing project this year. The FAA is only requiring that we follow the informal selection process as outlined in AC 150/5100-14E Section

Please answer the following questions:
– How many gates and/or fencing projects have you done in the last 3 years?

– How many airports do you work with in the State of Utah?
– What is your understanding of Green River Airport’s gate and fencing needs?

Include any other qualifications that make your firm a good fit for this project.

Proposals must be submitted by 3PM on April 24th. Submit in person, or by email.

Tyler Hunt, City Manager
460 East Main Street
P.O. Box 620
Green River, Utah 84525
Phone: (435) 564-3448 ext. 2

Published in the ETV Newspaper April 12 and April 19, 2023.

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