Castle Country Fuller Center for Housing


Press Release

Our local Fuller Center repair program is looking for homeowners that may not have the means to complete various home repairs. We work with the elderly, low-income, disabled, veterans, etc. We are a grass-root, non-profit that serves Carbon and Emery counties.

We have funds available from our local fundraising events, which have encompassed hundreds of community members as well as our local businesses, that we can possibly offer to you. We would especially like to thank Sutherlands and Notre Dame Church for all their donations and support!

Our repair program is not a hand-out, but a hand-up. There are two easy steps to see if you qualify. The homeowner contacts the Fuller Center and fills out a simple application. Then, we organize and provide the assistance necessary to complete the projects for the homeowners in the least expensive manner with help of volunteers in our communities and discounted supplies from our local businesses. We then work out a payment plan that fits the needs of the homeowner.

Seriously, if you can only pay a minimal fee each month, the Fuller Center will try to work with you. Additionally, we have funds available at this time to try to help as many people as possible.

Phone: (435) 637-9701

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