Utah Office of Tourism Announces Round 23 Co-Op Marketing Grant Awards



Carbon Corridor Press Release

Recently, the Utah Office of Tourism announced its Round 23 Grant Awards and Carbon County Office of Tourism made the list. With three applications submitted, a total of $129,000 in matching grant funding was awarded to the Carbon County Office of Tourism.

“We are so grateful for the amazing programs that the state offers to Destination Marketing Organizations,” said Tina Grange, Carbon County Tourism Specialist. “Although time consuming and competitive, our office understands the importance of grant writing and leveraging our marketing dollars so that we have more money to spend to promote the Carbon Corridor.”

Grange added, “This funding will help us bring to life a new Film Festival that will launch in 2024 as part of Utah’s 100th Anniversary in film, an add on event to our SPX Geocaching Tour, and overall marketing dollars to assist us with our ongoing tourism marketing and promotion campaigns.”

The Utah Cooperative Marketing Program was established in 2005. The co-op fund creates a partnership between the Utah Office of Tourism and Utah’s local destination marketing organizations, including convention and visitor bureaus, chambers of commerce, non-profit events and festivals, and regional tourism organizations, to increase visitor spending in the state through marketing.

Applying for co-op dollars is a competitive process and includes identifying measurables that show a return on investment to the state. It is a matching fund of up to $250,000 per entity and applications are only accepted once per year.

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