SERDA’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) & EITC Credit


Press Release

Southeastern Utah Regional Development Agency’s (SERDA) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) is assisting individuals and families with FREE prep and e-filing simple tax returns for households who earn less than $64,000 in Carbon, Emery, Grand, and San Juan Counties.

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is for working people who earn less then $63,398. This year, the amount of the credit you could receive is up to $7,430 if you claim qualifying children or up to $600 if you don’t claim qualifying children. Some of the rules to claim the EITC credit are: must be a U.S. citizen,must have earned income, and must have a valid Social Security number. If you meet the rules your earned income must be less than:

  • $17,640 ($24,210 if married filing a joint return) with no qualifying children who have valid SSNs.
  • $46,560 ($53,120 if married filing a joint return) with one qualifying child who has a valid SSN.
  • $52,918 ($59,478 if married filing a joint return) with two qualifying children who have valid SSNs.
  • $56,838 ($63,298 if married filing a joint return) with three or more qualifying children who have valid SSNs.

To be a qualifying child for the credit the child must meet the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests described at

Common errors to avoid are; claiming a child as a qualifying child who does not meet the relationship, age, or residency tests. Underreporting or overreporting income or expenses. The Social Security number and last name mismatches.

If your household fits within the income guidelines you may call a VITA site near you to schedule an appointment!

USU Eastern – 451 East 400 North, Price, Utah Phone: 435-613-5219

SERDA – 252 South Fairgrounds Road, Price Utah Phone: 435-613-0021

Emery County – 40 South Center Street, Castle Dale, Utah Phone: 435-299-7915

USU Extension Moab – 1850 South Aggie Blvd, Moab, Utah Phone: 435-613-0021

USU Monticello – 248 South 100 East Monticello, Utah Phone: 435-613-0021

If you earned less than $79,000 you may file your taxes for FREE on your own by visiting

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