Carbon County Road Shop Honors Retiree


Yet another employee recognition was on the agenda for the Carbon County Commission meeting that was hosted on May 15.

This time around, the recognition had to do with bidding farewell to a long-standing employee. Human Resources Director Kellie Payne began the recognition by stating that she is getting sad about all of the recent retirements, but was pleased to recognize Scott Thayn of the Road Department.

The whole road shop was in attendance to honor Thayn, who has worked in that department for 15 years. Supervisor Daniel Luke said that when he started with the shop four years ago, Thayn was working as the assistant supervisor.

Though many jokes were passed throughout the department in regard to Thayn, it was clear that he was an integral part of the road shop, with Luke stating that they appreciated him and all that he contributed. Luke concluded the recognition by stating that he hoped that Thayn enjoys retirement.

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