Emery Town Hears the Possibility of a Storage Reservoir


By Julie Johansen

Emery Town’s Mayor Jack Funk welcomed everyone to the November Town Council meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 13. Councilman Patrick Sundstrom led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance then the minutes from last meeting and a motion to pay the bills were approved. Emery’s fire chief, Scott McClaughry then gave his report to the council.

He reported a pretty active schedule, including seven calls in the last four days. He requested city help in replacing the door on the gym where his fireman workout. It was also decided that it was important to include internet service there. The council approved helping with one-half the cost of both internet and a new door. Next, town maintenance man, Rick Price, reported he has been working on getting Christmas Lights up around the town. He then spoke to the group about the city shop and the missing bits, etc. Mayor Funk asked him to make a list of both things needed and things available in the shop. Price also reported the dumping of appliances in the town dumpsters.

Council member Melissa Durfey was happy to report the addition of new steps on the Old Yellow Church. She stressed the need for $30,000 to reach their goal by Dec. 31. Some suggestions included letting people buy bricks and put their names on them as a fund raiser, posters and Facebook posts requesting needed funding.

Councilman Sundstrom reported a past due balance to the Special Service District but Town Clerk Chris Ashley answered that it had been paid and she could give him a receipt. The discussion then turned to a four-plex in town that only has one meter and only billed as a single dwelling but each resident uses enough water for one connection. Due to a recent state audit, the council decided they needed to bill each unit separately.

The Planning and Zoning group are working on the new state-required Subdivision Ordinance with help from the Hanson Planning Group. There will be a review on Nov. 21, then a public hearing to adopt the ordinance. The council also discussed the state requirement for Reflective Pavement readings. They decided that they were needed on Main Street and were already there.

Council member Kim Hansen announced holiday plans for Emery Town. These include The Tire Snowman painting on Nov. 30 at 10 a.m., the Town Employee Christmas party on Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m. following an early council meeting that same evening, a Tinsel Town party for the kids on Dec. 18 with Santa, ornament and cookie decorating  from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. followed by Bingo at 7 p.m. They also spoke about assignments for the Christmas Eve party in Emery.

Mayor Funk turned the time over to Mistie Christiansen, who reported about the possibility of a storage reservoir for Emery and funding possibilities from the Department of Energy (DOE). The DOE is looking for projects that could make additional power. This reservoir could produce hydro power in an area with limited power. This could require a 20% match, but Christiansen also spoke of funds to meet this.

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