Local Schools Invite Community to Participate in Spring Concert in the Park

Bands from Carbon High School, the Lighthouse High School, and Mont Harmon Junior High will partner with other community musicians to present a special Spring Concert in the Park in Price on May 17. They will be performing popular music from “The Dark Night”, “Phantom of the Opera” and “How to Train Your Dragon”.

Matthew Krause, who teaches music at Carbon High and the Lighthouse High School, is looking for local musicians who may be willing to “resurrect” their instruments to join in for the occasion. He said that they are looking for as many people to be involved as possible and will welcome any instrument.

The idea of a spring concert in the Park is one that Krause brings from Wyoming, where his community participated in the special event each year. He has now been teaching at Carbon High and the Lighthouse High School for three years, and was excited when things worked out to allow for the event to be extended to Carbon County.

Rehearsals will be held for the concert from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on the three Wednesday nights preceding: April 27, May 4 and May 11.

Krause hopes the event will provide his students an opportunity to “decompress” from the pressure of their festival season.

Anyone who has the experience to understand whatВ  festival season is like for band and choir students knows that the music they must practice for hours on end is not what one would call “popular music”. This makes Krause even more excited to, as he says, “give the students a bit of a break” from the somewhat narrow style they have been subjected to at the events they have been participating in.

Anyone interested in participating is invited to contact Krause with information regarding the instrument that they will be playing. He will then send the music that will be performed. You can email Krause at krausem@emeryschools.org.

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