BEAR Brings Big Ideas to Castle Country


Members of the local Business Expansion and Retention (BEAR) program are constantly searching for ways to improve the Castle Country community through expanding and improving business. The local BEAR program currently serves Carbon, Emery and Grand counties. Using state and local funding, the program offers tools to help grow and maintain local businesses. Focusing on building solid relationships with businesses, members spend time collecting and analyzing data to help solve problems in the local area. At a recent meeting, members discussed a detailed plan that outlined the group’s goals for the coming years.

BEAR member Nick Tatton presented goals to improve the community to those at the meeting. One focus that the group has is sustaining and expanding energy as well as transportation for that energy. Strategies for this include increase in railroad usage, encourage plant development for coal, gas, nuclear, solar and wind, and increase the development and production of petroleum in Castle Country.

BEAR is also constantly trying to find ways to bring long-term economic diversification to the area. Retail, tourism, transportation, education and much more are important means for diversity. By working with local governments, small businesses and local schools, economic diversification can be long-term in the area.

While BEAR has many big ideas and strategies to make waves throughout Caste Country, it takes the entire community to improve itself. Volunteers for projects and new members are always welcome at BEAR.

For more information on these projects or to help BEAR in its endeavors, please call BEAR Project Outreach Specialist Victoria Marchello at (435) 613-5255. Bi-weekly meetings are also hosted at USU Eastern for members to attend.

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