A Cold Win!


By Julie Johansen

Over 133 fishermen and women weighed in their fish at 2:00 p.m. after spending several hours on the ice at Millsite on Saturday.

Winning first place with a 19.25 inch fish was Kyle Larsen, second with 18.75” fish was Rod Carter, third was Craig Brotherson with 18.5” fish, fourth place went to Colton Allred with 18.1” fish and fifth place was Jeremy Jewkes who snagged an 18 incher.

Sixth, seventh, and eighth places tied with 17 7/8” specimens; Justin Hoffman, John Barnett and Kacey Johnson. The winners were all given trophies as well as a cash prize.  A participant drawing gave 22 shells, a generator, money and patio warmers.

The Emery County Travel Bureau also donated hoodies to all participants.

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