WHEREAS, MIDA was created pursuant to §§ 63H-1-101 et. seq. Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended (the “MIDA Act”) to fulfill certain purposes regarding the development of military land and private land for a military
purpose in the state of Utah; and

WHEREAS, consistent with these statutory purposes, MIDA is now proposing the creation of a project area consisting of properties that fall under the jurisdiction of the Utah National Guard and are owned and held in trust by the Utah State Armory Board (with the exception of one federal property located on Camp Williams in Bluffdale, which is owned in part by the federal government, and two properties owned by the Tooele City Corporation); and

WHEREAS, these properties, with the exception of the two properties owned by the Tooele City Corporation, are military land as defined by the MIDA Act; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the MIDA Act, MIDA prepared a draft project area plan, gave notice to taxing entities and municipalities within ½ mile of the proposed project area, and held a public meeting on August 22, 2024; and

WHEREAS, the Tooele City Corporation consented to the inclusion of the Tooele City land shown in the draft project area plan during a public meeting held on August 7, 2024; and

WHEREAS, the draft project area conforms with the necessary legal requirements of the MIDA Act, including the more specific requirements of § 63H-1-401, including the; and

WHEREAS, the MIDA Board finds and determines that the draft project area plan effectuates public purpose, provides a public benefit, is economically sound and feasible to adopt and carry out, and promotes the public peace, health, safety, and welfare of the community in which it is located.


1. The draft project area plan, as modified and attached hereto and titled “Final Utah National Guard Project Area Plan” (“Final Plan”) is adopted as of the effective date provided in Section 6 below.
2. The Executive Director is authorized to make changes to the Final Plan to update its text, maps, and legal description and make any necessary corrections.
3. This Resolution shall constitute the notice required by § 63H-1-403 of the MIDA Act.
4. In compliance with § 63H-1-403(4), the Final Plan shall be available for general public inspection by making an email request to contact@midaut.org for a PDF copy of the Final Plan, and a link to a copy of the Final Plan shall be made available on the MIDA website, https://midaut.org.
5. MIDA staff is directed to (i) publish this Resolution both in a newspaper of general circulation within or near the project area and in compliance with § 45-1-101 Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended;
and, (ii) send notice, within 10 days of its effective date, of the Final Plan’s adoption along with an accurate map or plat to the entities list in § 63H-1-403(5) of the MIDA Act.
6. The Final Plan shall become effective on the last date this Resolution is published in the newspapers
in which the Resolution is required to be published.

Published in the ETV Newspaper September 11, 2024.

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