Estate of PATSY JOAN HERRON GRANGE , Case No.: 203700006, Seventh District Court, in and for Emery County, State of Utah – Hugh Grange, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 768, Huntington, Utah 84528, has been appointed Personal Representatives of the above entitled estate.  Creditors of the Estate are hereby notified to (1) deliver or mail their written claims to the personal representative at the address above; or (2) deliver or mail their written claims to the Personal Representative’s Attorney of Record, Mark H. Tanner, 42 North University Avenue Ste 204 Provo, Utah 84601; or (3) file their written claims with the Clerk of the Seventh District Court, in Emery County, State of Utah, 1850 N Des Bee Dove Road, Castle Dale, Utah 84513, or otherwise present their claims as required by Utah law within three (3) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred.

Date of first publication: April 1, 2020.

/s/ Mark H. Tanner
Mark H. Tanner
Attorney for Petitioner
42 N University Ave., STE 204
Provo, Utah 84601

Published in the ETV Newspaper on April 1, 8 and 15, 2020.

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