Archaeology/Prehistory week family activity day


Just a reminder that this Saturday the USU Eastern Prehistoric Museum will hold a family activity day in conjuction with its Archaeology Prehistoric Week.

Event details:

Free admission from 10-2 p.m.

Located 155 East Main St. in Price.

Activities to be held from 10-2 p.m. Raffle at 11, noon, and 1 p.m. Drum circle from noon-1 p.m.

Activities: Jewelry/pump drill. Rock art boards. Face painting. Pipe cleaner split twig figurines. Treasure hunt. Corn grinding. Coloring station. Blue Man. Build your own dinosaur sculpture. Informational tables for the Castle Valley Archaeological Society, (CVAS), Utah Friends of Paleontology, (UFOP), and a sign up sheet for the Nine Mile field trip.