Book Cliff Elementary’s Kaye Nelson Named Teacher of the Year


By Robin Hunt

On Tuesday, Emery School District representatives visited Book Cliff Elementary (BCE) to announce that fifth grade teacher Kaye Nelson was named the district’s elementary teacher of the year. 

BCE principal Gaylene Erwin brought Nelson up to the front of the gymnasium in front of all the students and teachers, and then ushered in Nelson’s family members that were able to make it to the event. Both the award and the presence of Nelson’s family came as a surprise to her. 

“I don’t really know what to say,” Nelson stated “I love my job, I love principal Erwin and my colleagues. Thank you.” 

Erwin spoke about Nelson’s love for learning, her ability to speak both Spanish and English, and her efforts to strengthen her colleagues and the students. When Erwin started at BCE, the grade that she was most qualified to teach was unavailable. However, Nelson offered to move grades so that Erwin was able to teach.

Nelson’s parents came all the way from St. George to support her. “We just think this is really special,” said Billie Blake, Nelson’s mother. “She is so special, and this is a special achievement. We wanted to be here for it.” 

As Nelson lined up for pictures, she asked “Do I need to go check on my class?” Everyone laughed, and another colleague had taken her class. This is just one example of Nelson’s dedication to her students and their education. 

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