Carbon and Emery Students Show Off Their Debate Skills


A debate competition was hosted at Carbon High School (CHS) on Dec. 14. Each student participated with only their opponent and a judge in the room, with the rule that coaches are not allowed to observe the students as they compete.

For Emery High School students, Haylie McArthur and Alexander Fredrick took first place in policy debate. Angie Lerma and Aria Foulds took first in duo while Jaron Hansen took second in national extemporaneous Speaking and fourth in student congress. Cannon Sharp took second in foreign extemporaneous speaking while Jace Mangum took fifth in impromptu speaking and Zayne Perea was in the top 10 student congress.

The CHS competitors scored well also, with three students finding first place titles. Harley Olsen and Makayla Scovill received second in policy debate. Tristan Stamatakis received first in national extemporaneous, then competed with Jordan Madsen in public forum debate, where the duo also received first place.

Madsen then competed solo in dramatic interpretation, receiving third. Olsen also competed on their own in foreign extemporaneous speaking, receiving fourth. Easton Horsley nabbed first place in humorous interpretation while Isabelle Anderson landed in second place for impromptu speaking. Rounding out the scoring was Eva Grimaldo, who was given second place in original oratory.

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