Carbon High, CEU Grad Writes Cancer Book


Press Release

Scott Halversen, who is a graduate of Carbon High School and College of Eastern Utah, has written a fun cancer book. He is the son of the late Allen Halversen and Valentine Simons Halversen. While at Carbon High, Scott won the state KSL high school reporter competition. At CEU, he was editor of the school newspaper and runner-up for the most outstanding student. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Brigham Young University (graduated with high honors and was a Hinckley scholar).

After graduating from BYU, Halversen worked as a writer for his school’s Development Office and at an ad agency in Utah. He subsequently secured a position in the advertising department of Occidental Life Insurance Company eventually becoming advertising director. Scott next went to work for “California Broker Magazine” as the marketing vice president, retiring after 30 years. He and his wife, Peggy, have four children and nine grandchildren.

“Learning you have a brain tumor sends shock waves through your mind,” writes Halversen. “Your continued existence is in question. You know the odds are against you. I spent a month in the hospital recuperating from a harsh chemo treatment which nuked my immune system and wiped me out. Absolutely no visitors were allowed because of COVID. Suddenly, my time became very precious. I knew there was a real chance my brain would be scrambled if the chemo didn’t knock out my tumor.”

“So how could I best use my time? I decided to write letters to all my kids and grandkids telling them how much I loved them and why they were special to me. My next project was to start writing my life story. Then I decided to write a fun cancer book that might bring some smiles and useful tips to other cancer patients. The book is richly illustrated with 91 humorous cartoons to bring some grins along with some nitty-gritty hospital tips to help cancer patients get through chemo.”

Heartfelt and deeply personal, Halversen shares his story in the hope of connecting with readers who are facing their own cancer diagnosis in order to help them understand they are not alone in their fight.

Readers can purchase “Suddenly My Zodiac Sign Changed from Gemini to Cancer” online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and the Apple iTunes Store.


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