Carbon High Conducts Agriscience Fair


Several Carbon High students participated in the Future Farmers of America Agriscience Fair on Thursday. The focus of an agriscience fair is to highlight agriculture through research.

Carbon High FFA Advisor Jacie Pressett explained that students do not need to live on a farm to participate in the fair. “Agriculture can be just about anything,” she explained. “This is a way to get the students involved in the world around them while learning how agriculture affects different aspects of their lives.”

Preparing for the fair was a lengthy process. Students researched and conducted experiments for several months leading up to the event. Participants then constructed presentation boards and papers documenting their findings which were judged during the fair.

Winners of the Carbon High event will move on to the state competition for a chance to move on to nationals. “At nationals, students can win everything from scholarships to jobs working for industry leaders across the country,” Pressett explained.

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